Activity Tablet

by lim gim huang | 1:24 PM in , |


This simple method provides an opportunity to visualize more possibilities of human pattern flow when variety of human activities take place in a particular place which consists of different spaces. In so doing different spatial articulation is taken into consideration and more interesting solution in space-bonding can be done.

How to go about it?

For example,
1. Let say a 4X4 table is formed.

2. Activities filled in horizontally or vertically are conceived from the perspective of different category of human like, elders, couple, people who exercises, tourist etc.

3. Despite visualizing the set of activity in a horizontally manner which is conceived in the 2nd stage,
vertical manner can be perceived as well, even we can perceive it from bottom to top! so as in a incline manner. These are the set of human activities which probably would be happened spontaneously even without our consideration and planning.

With this method, a better and variety of articulation of space and spatial continuity can be taken into consideration and achieved.

conceived by GimHuang



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