Density Rose

by Y!nying | 7:35 PM in , , |


A density rose is a graphic tool to give a succinct view of how traffic flow( refer to number of people or vehicles) of an area of o location are typically distributed in a particular time.

It can be used to shows the activeness of a city graphically.
By refer to the density rose, designers or town planners can analysis it to help their design to be more practical and functional and yet to improve the condition of that particular city.

How to USE?

Density rose presented in a circular format, where shows the traffic flow of a location in 24 hours. The length of each "spoke" around the circle is related to the number of people or vehicle flow per unit area. Each concentric circle represents a different number, emanating from zero at the center to increasing numbers at the outer circles. A density rose plot may contain additional information, in that each spoke is broken down into color-coded bands that show the comfort condition of people who be in the flow. The red zone will be labeled as the "ALERT!!" zone where the number of people in the traffic flow is too crowded.

Another kind of density rose is the transformation of line graph. This kind of density rose is highly recommended to compare the activeness between two or more different locations.

How to create a density rose?

1. Collect a data by counting the number of people then tabulate the data.

2. Produce a circle and divide it into 24 sectors

3. Mark the length of each sector.

word & graph: yinying
discuss: yinying, cheejye, huangwei, chin hsien



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